一、在装配新填料前,须将用过的填料环以专用工具全部取出来并且要把填料箱擦拭干净,观察填 料箱内各个部位有无磨损、偏心等缺陷,如不符合要求,应修复或更换;
三、在装配前,须以模具压型,其方法是把填料缠绕在与机器轴相同直径的木棒上,以锋利的刀按 45°或90°角进行切割,把切断的填料,装入与填料箱尺寸相同的模具内(为了便于装配, 模具的内外径分别比填料箱大和小0.2毫米),置于压机上,以300~500kgf/cm2的压力压成 环状;
四、将预压成环状的填料,表面涂以润滑脂,一个一个地装入填料箱内,每装一个环,使其切口相 违120°角,以木质轴套,将填料环送入填料箱底,要压实压平行;
八、正式运转前,先在无负荷的状态下试运转,观察有无异常现象,然后正式开车;开车后要细心 观察,有无因压的不实,而泄漏严重,或因压的过紧,急剧产生摩擦热,烧坏填料的危险;
九、载负荷运转后,应随时细心观察,精心维护,冷却润滑系统,要保持正常,泄漏严重时,要采 取拧紧压盖的措施,但不宜一次压的太紧。

Method for Fixing and Regulating the Gasketing Material(Ring)  
     Gasketing material is a vulnerable accessory to machinery apparatus.The length of its service life is in close relation with the method of fixing therelf.When replacing the gasket,please refer to the following steps.
    Ⅰ.Before fixing new packing material,the used paceing material should be removed completely with special tools,and the box of pacding material should be mopped clean.Observe carefully to see if there is any partwithin the said box of packing material carrying any damage,wear or being off-centre.ln case of failure to be up to the required standard,the said box should bi repaired or replaced.
    Ⅱ.Put the selected gasketing material on clean board or paper so as to prevent it from being contaminated by dirt or impurity.
    Ⅲ.Before fixing,the gasketing material should be shaped by die-pressing.The method is:wind the gasketing material around a wooden stick with the same diameter as that ofof the related machine,and then cut it with sharp knife at an angle of 45°or 90°.
    Put the cut-out gasketing material into mould with the identical dimensions as these of the box of gasketing material(in order to make it convenient for fixing,the external and internal diameters of the mould are larger and smaller by 2mm than these of the gasketing-material box,respectively);and then use a pressor to press it(300-500 kg/cm2)into the shape of ring.
    Ⅳ.Apply lubricant resin on the pre-pressed ring-shaped gasketing material and then put into the box one by one.For each ring put into the box,put its cut surface at an off-angle of 120°,and use wooden a shaft sleeve to send the gasket rings to the bottom of the said gasket box.Press them securely into a parallel position to each other.
    Ⅴ.For reciprocal machines,there should be guide-rings at both ends and in the middle of the said gasket box so as to support the weight of the shaft or piston,and maintain its concentric movement.
Ⅵ.In order to enhance tight-sealing performance,it is preferential to select two or more gasket materials or cushion plates,and mix them for the said fixing.
    Ⅵ.In order to enhance tight-sealing performance,it is preferential to select two or more gasket materials or cushion plates,and mix them for the said fixing.
    Ⅶ.After completing the fixing of gasket rings,put back the pressure cover,ane tighten the screws of the said cover,thus make the gasket material compact.
Ⅷ.Before putting into regular operationn,try it under zero-load,and observe if there is anything abnormal.After putting into normal operation,it is still necessary to observe carefully to see if there is sudden friction-heat and the danger of ringburning as a result of ovet-compactness.
Ⅸ.After the machine is put into loaded operation,careful observation and maintenance fron tine to time is must.The cooling system should be maintained at normal state.ln case of serious eakage, measures should be taken to tighten the screws of the cover,but it is not abvisabie to tighten it too vigorously at a single time.
抗蠕形性:垫片在压力负荷和使用温度的影响下,抗蠕形性应较好,否则会造成螺栓扭矩损失,导致垫片的表 面应力减小,从而引起系统泄漏。
有弹性:即使在系统稳定的状况下,相连接的两个法兰由于温度和压力的影响肯定会存在微小位移,故垫片的弹 性应能弥补此位移,以保证系统的密封性。
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